Sunday, April 10, 2011

Vehicle Vroomers

The Assignment: Our class made recycled vehicles for a home project. We have many different vehicles--from a booster seat on roller blades to a working limo.

"No two vehicles were exactly alike! There are so many different shapes and sizes," says Ms. Ingram.

"There were many different vehicles. It was really interesting to watch," said Carleigh.

Q and A With Brody:

Q: How did you choose your design?
A: I started out thinking of materials I could use.
Q: What materials did you use?
A: A Nook Color box, wheels from a broken vacuum, aluminum axles, and a videogame box.

(Post by Carleigh, pics by Hazel)

Shapes vs. Posters: Missing Madness

In Shape Town:

Dear police,
Shapes have gone missing! Our source tells us that they are stuck inside Shutesbury Elementary School. Rumors say the students made jackets for them. "These shapes will be great for math," said Ms. L.

In math we are making Missing posters and Wanted posters for 3D solids. Our posters include rewards and phone numbers to go with them. Some even include the shape's criminal record! We also made jackets (out of paper) that you can match to the blocks.

TIME FOR CRIME: We have seen Wanted posters all over Shutesbury Elementary School. We need you, the students and parents, to stop these criminals!

(Posted by Brody)